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Based on the critical behavioral event interviews with 18 senior managers of family firms, the current study developed a competency model for senior managers of family firms in China. The primary findings are as follows. First, using the Critical Behavioral Event Interview (BEI) to develop the competency model of senior managers, the occurrence frequency and mean level scores of competencies are comparatively stable measures and the competencies’ maximal level scores are influenced by interview length. The study also found that both mean level scores and maximal level scores can differentiate superior senior managers from average senior managers of family firms. Second, the competency model of senior managers of family firms in China includes 11 competencies, namely authority orientation, initiative, opportunity-seizing, information seeking, organizational awareness, direction, benevolence orientation, self-control, self-confidence, self-learning, and impact and influence. Among them, nine competencies are consistent with those of the generic competency model of senior managers of Western enterprises and five with those of the generic competency model of senior managers of state-owned firms in China. Our results revealed that the authority orientation and benevolence orientation are the two competencies unique to the senior managers of family firms in China. __________ Translated from Xinli Xuebao 心理学报 (Acta Psychologica Sinica), 2004, 36(1): 110–115  相似文献   
高职院校《进出口商品归类》教学的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,高等职业技术教育蓬勃发展,加入W TO后,不少学校更希望以此为契机,大力发展国际经济与贸易专业的高职教育。《进出口商品归类》是高职院校国际经济与贸易专业中开设的专业技能类课程,也是一门实用性强的新课程,在教学实践中会不可避免地碰到一些问题,文章拟对此进行研究,提出个人见解,以促进国际经济与贸易高职教育的健康发展。  相似文献   
以2002~2011年716家上市公司为样本,运用动态面板的System GMM估计方法,同时考虑了三种内生性,研究了管理者薪酬、薪酬绩效敏感性与公司非效率投资间的关系。通过研究发现,提高管理者薪酬及其薪酬绩效敏感性不仅有利于降低公司的非效率投资行为,而且管理者薪酬与其薪酬绩效敏感性间的交互效应也对公司非效率投资有显著的影响。在降低公司的非效率投资方面,管理者薪酬与其绩效敏感性间存在互补效应。  相似文献   
农民专业合作社是加快解决“三农”问题的新型组织,在促进社会主义新农村建设和加快农村经济发展中发挥了重要作用。但资金匮乏一直是制约很多农民专业合作社进一步发展壮大的瓶颈。农民专业合作社的资金主要来源于内部融资和民间借贷,金融机构对其提供的资金支持非常有限。破解农民专业合作社融资难问题,一方面需要农民专业合作社不断加强自身建设,提高经营管理能力,夯实自身基础,为赢得更多的金融服务创造条件;另一方面也需要各级政府出台差别化政策,加大扶持力度,同时金融机构也应该积极承担起促进农村经济健康、快速发展的主力军作用,为农民合作社提供更多的融资便利。  相似文献   
通过理论分析、模型构建与案例实证,本文从劳动分工结构演进到职业中间商生成的分析路径揭示了“市场采购”型国际贸易的内在机理及演进路径。研究发现,市场采购型国际贸易是专业市场集聚区国际化进程中劳动分工结构演进的内生结果,包括加价中间商与服务中间商在内的职业中间商是推动市场采购型国际贸易出现的核心要素;专业市场商品从直接贸易结构向迂回贸易结构演进的方向与路径从根本上取决于市场集聚区交易效率的动态变化,根据职业中间商参与贸易分工的程度,市场采购型国际贸易经历了初始萌芽、渐进生成与内涵发展三个阶段。  相似文献   
本文基于全国31省在2014-2018年监测数据,对家庭农场的农场主的年龄、教育水平等特征及变迁进行分析。研究表明,农场主性别呈"男九女一"特征;农场主平均47岁;农场主学历教育水平方面,50%~60%为初中及以下,至少1/3为高中(中专或职高),10%左右为大专及以上(含本科和研究生);八到九成农场主接受再教育培训,平均每年接受3类培训;农场主平均有5~7年规模经营经历,但越来越多的没有规模经营经历和经历短的人成为农场主;近六成农场主有1种以上从业经历,他们至少有2种经历,最多的有6到9种经历;八成农场主是本村的,九成是本乡的。本文认为下一步应完善农业劳动力市场,健全农业职业教育培训体系,加快农业职业化步伐。  相似文献   
To learn more about the role of line managers in the implementation of HR practices, we propose and test a model of line managers' perceptions of enabling HR practices on the one hand and employee outcomes on the other. In a field study of 89 line managers and 631 employees, we observed that the relationship between line managers' perceptions of enabling HR practices and employees' intrinsic motivation, affective organizational commitment, and turnover intention was mediated by employees' perceived supervisor support. Line managers' perceptions of enabling HR practices, in turn, were predicted by line managers' perceived quality of the HR training they received. Theoretical and practical implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
国际贸易应用型人才培养问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地方应用型本科院校如何针对自身实际,突出专业特色,培养应用型人才,是目前有关方面人士着力探讨的问题。文中从国际贸易人才培养的角度,提出以"模拟实验"、"外贸单证实务操作"、"校企互动"等为特色的专业规划,成为应用型人才培养过程中的重要环节和现实手段的观点,以此带动整体专业建设水平的提高。  相似文献   
We focus on the impact of three of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and individualism, on the results of analytical procedures conducted by entry-level auditors in Mexico and the U.S. Analytical procedures are ideal for this research as they require auditors to use professional judgment and appropriate levels of professional skepticism, abilities related to all three cultural characteristics. We find no other study investigating the impact of culture on the application of auditing procedures similar across the studied cultures.We find cultural characteristics do not affect the participants’ abilities to predict income statement balances, but they may influence the ability to predict changes in balance sheet accounts. We also find culture is associated with differences in risk assessments. Our results indicate that participants rarely differentiate accounts that change according to expectation from those that change contrary to expectation, but rather alter their risk assessments to match the direction of balances that increase or decrease.  相似文献   
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